Module #2: Tell a Story in Photos

Objective: Use a smartphone to shoot SIX properly composed still photos that tell a story
1. Choose one of the following four topics for your story:
Opening a door, Tying a shoe, Washing hands OR Making a paper airplane
2. Plan your photo story using a hand-drawn storyboard. Use the blank storyboard template
3. Shoot your SIX photos using the Rule of 3rds and the best natural light available.
4. Include at least one Wide, Medium, and Tight Shot (the other three are up to you)
5. Upload the photos to your Wix website account using the app, airdrop, or lighting cable
6. Post your six photos to a new page on your website located under your projects tab
7. Add text to your new page to identify the photo compositions in your story
8. Name your new page "Module 2" so the instructor can locate it for grading